Posted by: harrisandyou | February 20, 2015

Should you audit your carbon footprint?

There are many reasons why a business should recycle and want to reduce their carbon footprints. Some of the Fortune 500 companies are calculating and reporting their carbon footprint and their plans to reduce their impact on the environment.

Why are they doing this?  In this day and age more people and businesses want to align themselves with businesses that are sustainable and they want to improve their reputation by doing the right thing.  Companies that identify risks and turn them into opportunities will move ahead of their competitors, will be in state compliance, will satisfy their stakeholders and investors, and will reduce their overall costs.

Businesses that implement a sustainable practice also motivate their employees to participate with innovative ideas.  The workplace becomes healthier and there is pride in ownership and collaboration.

Companies can benefit from auditing their energy, water, waste and pollutants.  Taking a good look at where you use the most can improve your reduction which will improve your bottomline, productivity and efficiency.  These are some of the reasons businesses should care about recycling and reducing their carbon footprint.

For more information go to:

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